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Australian and International  Pregnancy And Birth Related Websites, Resources / Books Etc, Parenting, Caesarian Awareness, Vaginal Breech Birth, Waterbirth, Vaccination, Infant Feeding, Circumcision



Australian Birth Info
The Maternity Coalition is a national, non-profit umbrella organisation of groups and individuals committed to advocating for the rights of mothers and improving maternity care for women during pregnancy, birth and beyond. 
Mothers and midwives working together for better Maternity care in Australia. Please join!
Rhea Dempsey, Melbourne based childbirth educator, birth attendant and birth counsellor

Up-to-date and extensive source of information and support for pregnancy, birth and parenting. Sydney based site.

Australia's home birth network. We are homebirthers, birth attendants and doulas, childbirth educators and midwives past, present and future across Australia and beyond. Come along to socialise, feel supported and strengthened, share knowledge and experience and enjoy the company of others who believe in gentle birth. We also promote and encourage gentle, evidence-based parenting, which complements our birthing practices.

​ is a unique Australian family website, offering real-life, gentle solutions for conception, pregnancy, birth and baby, all in the one place. Come and meet our friendly, supportive members and fantastic Professional Support Panel.

The Bub Hub is an online, fully searchable, directory of local pregnancy and parenting information, shops and services; listing over 3,000 Australian businesses and organisations throughout Australia. The Bub Hub is Australia's most comprehensive online directory of pregnancy, baby & toddler shops and services.

The Bonnie Babes Foundation supports families who have experienced pregnancy loss. It provides medical research, training of grief counselors, a 24 hour national counselling line in USA and Australia, downloadable booklets and more.



Pregnancy and Birth Related Websites

Explore aspects of birth, drawing on things that Sheila has learned from women around the world and her research as a social anthropologist into women's experiences of pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding.

Where you choose to have your baby and whom you choose to look after you in labour will affect the type of birth you have and the care you receive. This website explains your options and gives you some information to help you make those choices. There are excellent information leaflets (MIDIRS) that may be printed from this site.

The revolutionary passion of mothering: twenty pages of articles and birth stories that the whole world should read.

Explore the many mental and emotional dimensions of pregnancy and birth in scholarly articles, personal stories and late-breaking headlines.

Michael Odent has been instrumental in influencing the history of childbirth and health research, focusing upon the long term consequences of early experiences. An overview of his Primal Health Research Data Bank indicates that health is shaped during the primal period (from conception to first birthday). This website focuses on the life period with the highest adaptability and vulnerability to environmental factors - inside the womb.

Discover how you can make informed choices, and gain the confidence to be actively in charge of your pregnancy, birth and early parenting. Useful articles and info from this British site.

Gentlebirth has a big search engine - look up anything from prenatal strep B tests and in-labour antibiotics, to vitamin K and Hepatitis B newborn injections. Heaps of otherwise hard to find info and discussion, often bringing a different point of view (and sometimes relevant only to the USA).

The heart and science of birth

Medical writer and birth activist Henci Goer gives clear, concise information based on the latest medical studies. Check out the info about labor interventions, including episiotomy, under 'birth guru'.

Helping women learn about options and make informed decisions. This program and website also provide evidence-based maternity care resources for professionals. Full-text access to the essential maternity care book, A Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth (3rd ed., 2000).

This site provides information about home birth, for parents who think that it might be the right choice for them, and for health professionals looking for facts and ideas. There are summaries of many research papers here - in plain English - that will help you to look at the evidence about safety in homebirth for yourself. Also many stories and practical tips.

The Unassisted Childbirth Page, a site dedicated to the belief that women are the true experts of birth. Birth is sexual and spiritual, magical and miraculous - articles and stories on this site to help women to cast off their fears and begin to believe in their own abilities. Especially inspiring part of the site: Childbirth Ecstasy by Laura Shanley

The Highlands Foundation provides funds, equipment and training opportunities for health care centers in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea (PNG) where pregnant women are at major risk of dying in childbirth- the documented maternal mortality rate in PNG is 370 per 100,000 live births.  That’s 25 times the risk of Australian mothers...


A unique, step-by-step approach to getting your baby into an optional position for a natural birth



Pregnancy / Birth / Midwifery Books and Other Resources

Specialists in birth and midwifery providing support and resources for midwives, childbirth educators and expectant parents.
Specialises in books on women's health issues, pregnancy and birth, childbirth alternatives, fertility issues, midwifery, breastfeeding, parenting, and grief and loss, and teaching resources for midwifery and childbirth education.

Dr Sarah Buckley brings together her medical training and her mothering wisdom in her wonderful new book. She writes engaging, compassionate, and superbly-researched material that will help you to make the most gentle, loving and best possible choices for your families.

Leanne Cummins, midwife & childbirth educator, has assembled a team of 26 experts from around Australia to make this DVD series an informative prenatal/ birth education class for use in your own home.

Begun as a quest for innovative, healthy products for our own family, we found that like us many other parents also wanted their children to grow up in a beautiful non-toxic world. Nature Baby offers catalogue, web and international store services and a constantly developing range of products we love and know other parents have confidence in too.

Welcome to Pure Spa®. The most affordable, all-natural and organic baby care and pregnancy products available.

Pure, gentle, organic. Premium skincare for mother and child as used in select Australian hospitals.

The Bub Hub is an online, fully searchable, directory of local pregnancy and parenting information, shops and services; listing over 3,000 Australian businesses and organisations throughout Australia. The Bub Hub is Australia's most comprehensive online directory of pregnancy, baby & toddler shops and services.

Dance of the Womb, a world first 280 colour page BOOK... written by Maha Al Musa, a mother, doula, human rights activist, dancer and author.

The La Bassine Birth Pool is a must for any woman wanting to experience labour or birth in water. Because every woman has the right to a fabulous birthing experience.



From unborn child to grown child, My Child tackles the reality of caring for your child , as well as the reality of being  a child with informative articles, stories and useful links.

Lovely, natural parenting magazine full of useful articles.

Behaviour, health and learning problems in children can be caused by common foods.

We have selected baby carriers from around the world that are suitable for premmies to preschoolers. We trust that these baby carriers will enable you to balance you and your baby's needs as you "keep your baby AT the centre of activity, not THE centre of activity"

Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children. Our mission, is to champion a culture of compassionate individuals, families, and communities who have fun with, learn from, and responsively and lovingly interact with children. We accomplish this by providing guidance about consciously conceiving, birthing, and nurturing children.



Caesarian Awareness, Healing and Birth after Caesarian

The International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) works to lower the rate of unnecessary cesareans, supports vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), and encourages positive birthing through education and advocacy.

This website provides childbearing women and maternity care professionals access to research-based information, resources, continuing education and support for VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean).



Vaginal Breech Birth

Inspirational site about vaginal breech birth and home birth.

Breech Birth Australia and New Zealand (BBANZ) is the site of a group of mothers and midwives who offer social support and information to women with babies presenting by the breech or who have given birth to breech babies (vaginally or surgically).




The Waterbirth Website provides in-depth information on the use of water for labor, childbirth, and early childhood development. 



Vaccinations shouldn't hurt a child but sometimes they do. Before your child takes the risk, find out what it is. The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is the oldest and largest national organization advocating reformation of the mass vaccination system.



Infant Feeding

The Australian Breastfeeding Association

Find out why so many people actively boycott Nestle.

Everyday 4000 babies die from unsafe bottle feeding. Baby Milk Action is a non-profit organisation which aims to save lives and to end the avoidable suffering caused by inappropriate infant feeding. Baby Milk Action works within a global network to strengthen independent, transparent and effective controls on the marketing of the baby feeding industry.

The miraculous development of the unborn baby:

A comprehensive resource of information on human development from conception to birth, designed for both medical student and interested lay people. Navigate through the 40 weeks of pregnancy and preview the unique changes in each stage of human development.






Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children
Our mission, is to champion a culture of compassionate individuals, families, and communities who have fun with, learn from, and responsively and lovingly interact with children. We accomplish this by providing guidance about consciously conceiving, birthing, and nurturing children.



Highlands Foundation
In developing countries such as Papua New Guinea, maternal deaths are at a dangerously high level, being the leading cause of death amongst women of reproductive age.The maternal mortality rate in Goroka, PNG, is 93.9 times higher than in Australia...

Lina Clerke  - Bowen Technique Practitioner, Midwife, Childbirth Educator, Doula

Based in Shoreham-by-Sea (near Brighton) UK


© 2020-22 by Lina Clerke

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